Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2016

The Ninth Workshop on
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2016

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 31-June 3, 2016

Organized by: AFRL, BAE, Boeing, Honeywell, JPL, OGA, Sandia, USC/ISI

Click here for the schedule (or as a spreadsheet). For reference, here are the links to the 2015201420132012201120102009 and 2008 conference archives.


Marti Bancroft, ConsultantLarry Bergman, JPL
Steve Crago, USC/ISIErik DeBenedictis, Sandia
Hung Nguyen, SandiaJesse Mee, AFRL
John Samson, HoneywellKen Heffner, Honeywell
Warren Snapp, BoeingRichard Berger, BAE


This is notice of and a call for participation for the ninth workshop on space computing. The main sessions are June 1-2, 2016, with additional working group sessions on May 31 and June 3, in Albuquerque. The afternoon session of June 2 will be closed (limited to invited partipants).

Like previous years, the topic will be R&D for next generation spacecraft computing systems, including hardware, security/trust, software, and applications.


This year, the meeting will be focused on multi-organizational projects and collaborative R&D that could contribute to building space processors and their applications. The organizers are issuing through this page an invitation for presentations on projects or capabilities. Please respond via e-mail to any of the organizers and include a semi-formal proposal.


We will have working groups as in past years. Some working groups have been organized already and we are soliciting ideas and participation in organizing others:

  • Trust and security
  • 3D technology
  • Impact of shifts in semiconductor scaling and “Moore’s Law”
  • Cubesats

The conference has a capacity for other working groups, and we are soliciting ideas and organizers. If you would like to propose a working group, please contact one of the organizers.


The following will be held in conjunction with the meeting.

  • Opera/Maestro User Group


Due to changing DOE rules, building badges cannot be used this year; which will change the process for attendees who used them in the past. All attendees will require a DOE-issued badge when accessing Sandia’s facilities (but not the hotel). If you do not already have a DOE badge, attendees must contact Steven Garcia, (505) 284-5552 at least two weeks in advance and provide requested identifying information. Plan on picking up a badge at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to access Sandia facilities (just as in previous years) but the process for foreign nationals is more time consuming than the process in the paragraph above. Foreign nationals should contact Steven Garcia, (505) 284-5552 immediately and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


Attendance is by invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or email The registration fee is $175 (but see next paragraph). Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Using New Technologies 2016” as the event name.

If payment of a registration fee creates difficulties, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail and we will work out alternative arrangements.


The meeting will include information at various levels of sensitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire meeting is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


The associated hotel is the Albuquerque Marriott at 2101 Louisiana Blvd NE. Attendees can use this reservation link to make online reservations. Rate: $89 per night. The cut-off date for this rate is 5/20/2016.


The meeting will be held at several locations:

  • We expect all evening activities to be at the Marriott hotel.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the meeting will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the meeting will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.


  • Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia,, (505) 284-4017
  • Marti Bancroft, MBC, marti at dragonsden dot com
  • Larry Bergman, JPL, Larry dot A dot Bergman at jpl dot nasa dot gov
  • Steve Crago, USC/ISI, crago at isi dot edu
  • Hung Nguyen, Sandia, hdnguye at sandia dot gov
  • John Samson, Honeywell, john dot r dot samson at honeywell dot com
  • Ken Heffner, kenneth dot h dot heffner at honeywell dot com
  • Richard Berger, Richard dot w dot berger at baesystems dot com
  • Warren Snapp, warren dot p dot snapp at boeing dot com
  • Jesse Mee, jesse dot mee at us dot af dot mil

Original files here

Alternate source /ar/spacecomputing/spc16


Sensible Machine Grand Challenge

Files here

Original files here: /ar/sensiblemachine.

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2015

The Eighth Workshop on
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2015

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 26-29, 2015

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, USC/ISI, Honeywell, OGA

Click here for the schedule (or as a spreadsheet). For reference, here are the links to the 201420132012201120102009 and 2008 conference archives.


Marti Bancroft, ConsultantLarry Bergman, JPL
Steve Crago, USC/ISIErik DeBenedictis, Sandia
Hung Nguyen, SandiaJohn Samson, Honeywell
Barry Willits, Raytheon


This is notice of and a call for participation for the eighth workshop on space computing. The main sessions are May 27-28, 2015, with working group sessions on May 26 and 29, in Albuquerque. The afternoon session of May 28 will be “closed.”

Like previous years, the topic will be R&D for next generation spacecraft computing systems, including hardware, security/trust, software, and applications.


This year, the meeting will be focused on multi-organizational projects and collaborative R&D that could contribute to building space processors and their applications. The organizers are issuing through this page an invitation for presentations on projects or capabilities. Please respond via e-mail to any of the organizers and include a semi-formal proposal.


We will have working groups as in past years. Some working groups have been organized already and we are soliciting ideas and participation in organizing others:

  • Trust, as in trusted components
  • 3D technology
  • Impact of shifts in semiconductor scaling and “Moore’s Law”
  • Software issues, notably resilience

The conference has a capacity for other working groups, and we are soliciting ideas and organizers. If you would like to propose a working group, please contact one of the organizers.


The following will be held in conjunction with the meeting.

  • Opera/Maestro User Group


Attendance is by invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail The registration fee is $175 (but see next paragraph). Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Using New Technologies 2015” as the event name.

If payment of a registration fee creates difficulties, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail and we will work out alternative arrangements.


The meeting will include information at various levels of sensitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire meeting is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


The associated hotel is the Sheraton at Menaul and Lousiana (same as the past few years). Please go to this website: . Group name “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing.” Rate: $83 per night. The cut-off date for this rate is May 8.


The meeting will be held at several locations:

  • We expect all evening activities to be at the associated hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the meeting will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the meeting will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.


  • Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia,, (505) 284-4017
  • Marti Bancroft, MBC, marti at dragonsden dot com
  • Larry Bergman, JPL, Larry dot A dot Bergman at jpl dot nasa dot gov
  • Steve Crago, USC/ISI, crago at isi dot edu
  • Hung Nguyen, Sandia, hdnguye at sandia dot gov
  • John Samson, Honeywell, john dot r dot samson at honeywell dot com
  • Barry Willits, willits at raytheon dot com

Original files here

Alternate source /ar/spacecomputing/spc15

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2014

The Seventh Workshop on
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2014

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
June 16-19, 2014

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, USC/ISI, Honeywell

lick here for the schedule. For reference, here are the links to the 20132012201120102009 and 2008 conference archives.


Marti Bancroft, ConsultantLarry Bergman, JPL
Steve Crago, USC/ISIErik DeBenedictis, Sandia
Mitch Fletcher, HoneywellHung Nguyen, Sandia
John Samson, HoneywellRafi Some, JPL


This is notice of and a call for participation for the seventh workshop on space computing. The main sessions are June 17-19, 2014, with working group sessions on June 16, in Albuquerque. Note that the only activities on the 19th are “closed.”

Like previous years, the topic will be R&D for next generation spacecraft computing systems, including hardware, security/trust, software, and applications.


This year, the meeting will be focused on multi-organizational projects and collaborative R&D that could contribute to building space processors and their applications. The organizers are issuing through this page an invitation for presentations on projects or capabilities. Please respond via e-mail to any of the organizers and include a semi-formal proposal.


We will have working groups as in past years. Some working groups have been organized already and we are soliciting ideas and participation in organizing others:

  • FaultTolerance
  • 3D Stacking
  • Software
  • Applications
  • Memory Technology

The conference has a capacity for other working groups, and we are soliciting ideas and organizers. If you would like to propose a working group, please contact one of the organizers.


The following will be held in conjunction with the meeting.

  • Opera/Maestro User Group


Attendance is by invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail The registration fee is $170 (but see next paragraph). The fee is set to cover the cost of food due principally to gifting regulations pertaining to government participants. Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Using New Technologies 2014” as the event name.

If payment of a registration fee creates difficulties, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail and we will work out alternative arrangements.


The meeting will include information at various levels of sensitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire meeting is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


The associated hotel is the Sheraton at Menaul and Lousiana (same as the past few years). Please go to this website: or Call the Sheraton directly 800-325-3535. Group name “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing.” Rate: $83 per night.


The meeting will be held at several locations:

  • We expect all evening activities to be at the associated hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the meeting will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the meeting will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.


  • Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia,, (505) 284-4017
  • Marti Bancroft, MBC, marti at dragonsden dot com
  • Larry Bergman, JPL, Larry dot A dot Bergman at jpl dot nasa dot gov
  • Steve Crago, USC/ISI, crago at isi dot edu
  • Mitch Fletcher, Honeywell, mitch dot fletcher at honeywell dot com
  • Hung Nguyen, Sandia, hdnguye at sandia dot gov
  • John Samson, Honeywell, john dot r dot samson at honeywell dot com
  • Rafi Some, JPL, raphael dot r dot some at jpl dot nasa dot gov

Original files here

Alternate source /ar/spacecomputing/spc14

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2013

The Sixth Meeting on
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2013

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 28-30, 2013

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, USC/ISI, OGA

Sequestration and Federal travel restrictions will have several effects on the meeting. The organizers believe it is likely to take place, yet it should be considered “tentative” for the time being. The meeting will have a similar organization to previous years, although with additional working group session Thursday evening. Video teleconference participation will be given increased support; please contact the organizers if this is important to you.
Click here for the schedule. For reference, here are the links to the 2012201120102009 and 2008 conference archives.


Marti Bancroft, ConsultantLarry Bergman, JPL
Steve Crago, USC/ISIErik DeBenedictis, Sandia
Mitch Fletcher, Honeywell 


This is advance notice of and issue a call for participation for the sixth technical interchange meeting on space computing. The main sessions are May 29-30, 2013, with working group sessions May 28, in Albuquerque. Details will appear on this website as time progresses.

Like previous years, the topic will be R&D for next generation spacecraft computing systems, including hardware, software, and cross-cutting issues such as trust.


This year, the meeting will be focused on multi-organizational projects and collaborative R&D that could contribute to building space processors. The organizers are issuing through this page an invitation for presentations on projects or capabilities. Please respond via e-mail to any of the organizers and include a semi-formal proposal.


We will have working groups as in past years. Some working groups have been organized already and we are soliciting ideas and participation in organizing others:

  • TBD

The conference has a capacity for other working groups, and we are soliciting ideas and organizers. If you would like to propose a working group, please contact one of the organizers.


The meeting organizers have been approached by the Maestro/Tilera user group about holding one of their twice-yearly meetings in conjunction with the space computing conference. The organizers are soliciting other communities of interest that may be interested in meeting in conjunction with the meeting.


Attendance is by invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail We are charging a $120 registration fee (but see next paragraph). This fee has been set to cover the cost of food due principally to gifting regulations pertaining to government participants. Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing” as the event name.

We are senstitive to federal budget issues. If payment of a registration fee creates difficulties, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail and we will work out alternative arrangements.


The meeting will include information at various levels of sensitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire meeting is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


The associated hotel is is the Sheraton at Menaul and Lousiana (same as the past few years). Please go to this website: or Call the Sheraton directly 800-325-3535. Group name “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing.” Rate: $81 per night.


The meeting will be held at several locations:

  • We expect all evening activities to be at the associated hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the meeting will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the meeting will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.


  • Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia, Sandia,, (505) 284-4017
  • Marti Bancroft, MBC, marti at dragonsden dot com
  • Larry Bergman, JPL, Larry.A.Bergman at jpl dot nasa dot gov
  • Steve Crago, USC/ISI, crago at isi dot edu

Files here

Alternate source /ar/spacecomputing/spc13

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2012

The Fifth Workshop on
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2012

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 29-June 1, 2012

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, LANL, USC/ISI, OGA

Click here for the schedule. For reference, here are the links to the 201120102009 and 2008 conference archives.


Larry Bergman, JPLHeather Quinn, LANL
Erik DeBenedictis, SandiaSteve Crago, USC/ISI
Marti Bancroft, Consultant


This is advance notice of and issue a call for participation for the fifth space computing workshop, The main sessions are May 30-31, 2012, with working group sessions May 29 and June 1, in Albuquerque. Details will appear on this website as time progresses.

Like previous years, the topic will be R&D for next generation spacecraft computing systems, including hardware, software, and cross-cutting issues such as trust.


This year, the workshop will include a mix of contributed and invited presentations and papers. The organizers have begun to get commitments from some speakers for invited talks. However, the organizers are issuing through this page an invitation for talks or written papers consistent with the objectives above. If you would like to make a presentation or submit a paper for review, please respond via e-mail to any of the organizers and include a semi-formal proposal.


We will have working groups as in past years. Some working groups have been organized already and we are soliciting ideas and participation in organizing others:

  • Software, including middleware and real time operating systems — Larry Bergman and Marti Bancroft POCs.
  • Fault tolerance for space, including system level mitigations — Larry Bergman POC.
  • Trust for space — Erik DeBenedictis, POC.
  • Architecture for space — Space, POC TBD.
  • Flight qualification, testing, and experimental validation — Larry Bergman, POC.

The conference has a capacity for other working groups, and we are soliciting ideas and organizers. If you would like to propose a working group, please contact one of the organizers.


Attendance is by invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail We are charging a $155 registration fee to all attendees. This fee has been set to cover the cost of food due principally to gifting regulations pertaining to government participants. Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Using New Technologies” as the event name.


The workshop will include information at various levels of senstitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire workshop is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


The associated hotel is is the Sheraton at Menaul and Lousiana. Please go to this website: or Call the Sheraton directly 505-881-0000. Group name “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing.” Rate: $81 per night.


The workshop will be held at several locations:

  • We expect all evening activities to be at the associated hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the workshop will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the workshop will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.


Original files here

Alternate source /ar/spacecomputing/spc12

Advanced supercomputing

Zettaflops 2011

Original files are here: /ar/Zettaflops11.

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2011

The Fourth Workshop on
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2011

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 24-25, 2011 (working groups May 23 and 26)

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, LANL, USC/ISI, OGA

lick here for the schedule. For reference, here are the links to the 20102009 and 2008 conference archives.


Larry Bergman, JPLHeather Quinn, LANL
Erik DeBenedictis, SandiaSteve Crago, USC/ISI
Marti Bancroft, ConsultantLaney Kidd, Sandia
Richard Stempien, MITRERafi Some, JPL


This is advance notice of and issue a call for participation for the fourth space computing workshop, May 24-25, 2011, with working group sessions May 23 and 26, in Albuquerque. Details will appear on this website as time progresses.

Like previous years, the topic will be R&D for next generation spacecraft computing systems, including hardware, software, and cross-cutting issues such as trust.


This year, the workshop will include a mix of contributed and invited presentations and papers. The organizers have begun to get commitments from some speakers for invited talks. However, the organizers are issuing through this page an invitation for talks or written papers consistent with the objectives above. If you would like to make a presentation or submit a paper for review, please respond via e-mail to any of the organizers and include a semi-formal proposal.


We will have working groups as in past years. Some working groups have been organized already and we are soliciting ideas and participation in organizing others:

  • Software, including middleware and real time operating systems — Larry Bergman and Marti Bancroft POCs.
  • Fault tolerance for space, including system level mitigations — Larry Bergman POC.
  • Trust for space — Heather Quinn and Laney Kidd, POCs.
  • Architecture for space — Erik DeBenedictis and Terry Cooney, POCs.
  • Flight qualification, testing, and experimental validation — Larry Bergman, POC.

The conference has a capacity for up to about another four working groups, and we are soliciting ideas and organizers. If you would like to propose a working group, please contact one of the organizers.


The workshop organizers have been approached by the Maestro/Tilera user group about holding one of their twice-yearly meetings in conjunction with the space computing conference. The organizers are soliciting other communities of interest that may be interested in meeting in conjunciton with the workshop.


Attendance is by invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail We are charging a $155 registration fee to all attendees. This fee has been set to cover the cost of food due principally to gifting regulations pertaining to government participants. Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Using New Technologies 2011” as the event name.


The workshop will include information at various levels of senstitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire workshop is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


The associated hotel is is the Sheraton at Menaul and Lousiana. Please go to this website: or Call the Sheraton directly 505-881-0000. Group name “SNL Spaceborne Computing Workshop.” Rate: $81 per night.


The workshop will be held at several locations:

  • We expect all evening activities to be at a hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the workshop will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the workshop will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.


  • Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia,, (505) 284-4017
  • Marti Bancroft, MBC, marti at dragonsden dot com
  • Larry Bergman, JPL, Larry.A.Bergman at jpl dot nasa dot gov
  • Steve Crago, USC/ISI, crago at isi dot edu
  • Laney Kidd, Sandia, mckidd at sandia dot gov
  • Heather Quinn, LANL, hquinn at lanl dot gov
  • Rafi Some, JPL, raphael dot r dot some at jpl dot nasa dot gov
  • Richard Stempien, MITRE, rstempie at mitre dot org

Original files at

Alternate source /ar/spacecomputing/spc11

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2010

The Third Workshop on…
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2010

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 25-26, 2010 (working groups May 24 and 27)

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, MITRE

Click here for the schedule. For reference, here are the links to the 2009 and 2008 conference archives.


Larry Bergman, JPLRichard Stempien, MITRE
Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia

Steering Committee

Marti Bancroft, MBC ConsultingLarry Bergman, JPLErik DeBenedictis, Sandia
Robert Habbit, SandiaAJ Kleinosowski, BoeingHeather Quinn, LANL
Raphael Some, JPLRichard Stempien, MITRE


Microelectronics advances due to Moore’s Law make it feasible to put much more computing power into embedded systems and hence into space. However, effectively utilizing the increased computing power requires changes in architecture and software and may require reconsideration of radiation hardening issues. This workshop is to serve as a forum for coordinating R&D activities that will enable embedded computing applications to make effective use of new computing technology.

The 2010 workshop is focusing on the following specific issues:

  1. Architecture: Does it make sense to develop a Common Space borne Supercomputer Architecture for the U.S space community (NASA, DoD, DoE, IC)?
  2. Software: What additional software R&D is needed to accommodate emerging multi-core processors and other changes in the underlying hardware?
  3. Fault Tolerance: What additional fault tolerance issues are introduced by advancing computer technology?
  4. IP for Space: Is it feasible to develop and share IP modules compatible with a “plug and play” IP standard across the US Space community? (IP refers to logic designs in FPGAs and ASICs.)
  5. Memory: There will be a special working group on memory advances applicable to space, such as 3D stacking and radiation hardening.
  6. Component trust: What are the vulnerabilities in a spacecraft to using untrusted components and what mitigations are possible?
  7. Other: The organizers are open to participants supplying ideas for other working groups.

The main conference days will be Tuesday and Wednesday, May 25 and 26, 2010.

Working groups will take place on the Monday and Thursday of that week.


Attendance is by gracious invitation only. If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail We are charging a $150 registration fee to all attendees. This fee has been set to cover the cost of food due principally to gifting regulations pertaining to government participants. Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting “Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Using New Technologies 2010 ” as the event name.


The workshop will include information at various levels of senstitivity.

  • Some sessions on the schedule will indicate the information is sensitive (i. e. export controlled and proprietary). Attendees not eligible to receive specific information will be asked to leave the meeting room as needed.
  • There will be Government session that may be attended by only Government, FFRDC, and SETA employees.
  • While the entire workshop is by invitation only, there may be additional invitation-only sessions not posted on the Internet.


Foreign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.


The hotel accommodations will be a the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel, click here to learn more about the event and to book, modify, or cancel a reservation at a group rate until May 19, 2010. All Monday activities and the banquet Tuesday night will be at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque. The hotel has a directions page.


The workshop will be held at several locations:

  • All evening activities will be at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel in the uptown area of Albuquerque.
  • Except as noted above, open portions of the workshop will be held at Sandia’s Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.
  • Closed portions of the workshop will be held in other buildings at Sandia; meet at the CSRI building for directions.

The original files are here

Alternate source /ar/spc10

Space Computing

Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2009

The Second Workshop on…
Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2009

CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 26-29, 2009

Organized by: JPL, Sandia, MITRE

Steering Committee

Andrew Keys, NASARichard Linderman, AFRL
Bob Habbit, SandiaVaughn Standley, NNSA
Marti Bancroft, MBC


Larry Bergman, JPLRichard Stempien, MITRE
Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia


  • Presentations (original link apparently not active anymore), where authors have consented to public posting.


The original files are here:

Alternate source /ar/spc09