
Frontiers of Extreme Computing 2007/Zettaflops workshop was held in Santa Cruz, CA October 21-25, 2007. Here is the program and a workshop summary created after the fact by the organizers. For the time being, the web pages from the time of the workshop are online here.

Collected Presentations

Gian-Luca BonaIBMProspects for Solid State Data Storage: Beyond Flash Memory and the Hard Disk Drivepresentation
George BourianoffIntelMore Moore, More than Moore, beyond CMOS and the ITRSContact George for the presentation
Almadena ChtchelkanovaNSFFunding Opportunities in NSF's CISE Directoratepresentation
Tom CwikJPLNASA/JPL Future Computing Needspresentation
Erik DeBenedictisSandiaWorkshop Introduction, Overview, and GoalsMonday Tuesday Wednesday
Sudip DosanjhSandiaSandia's Programs in Supercomputing and Nanotechnologypresentation
John GustafsonClearSpeedStrategies for Solving the Heat/Power Problempresentation
Tony HeyMicrosofteResearch in the Cloud: Data-Intensive High Performance Computingpresentation
Phil JonesLANLClimate Modeling on Future Architectures presentation
David KeyesColumbiaScaling to Exaflop/s for Mesh-based AlgorithmsContact David for presentation
Bob LucasISIDARPA Exascale Initiative: goals, motivation, range of topics, players, and approachContact Bob for presentation
Nathan PriceUIUCComputational Challenges for Systems Biology and Personalized Medicinepresentation
Karu SankaralingamU. WisconsinA System Perspective on End of Siliconpresentation
Steve ScottCrayFuture Supercomputer Architecturespresentation
Jag ShahDARPA MTOUNÍC: Intrachip Photonic Communications, presentation
Horst SimonLBLChallenges on the Path to Exaflops/s Computingpresentation
Horst SimonLBLModeling and Simulation at the Exascale for Energy and the Environmentpresentation
Thomas SterlingLSU CCTOperating Systems for Exascale Computing presentation
Thomas SterlingLSUCharter to the Working Groupspresentation
Rick StevensANLBanquetpresentation
Thomas TheisIBMProspects for Computing Beyond CMOS Logicpresentation
Stan WilliamsHPSprinting Toward the Practical Limits of ComputationPresentation restricted to participants
Kathy YelickUC Berkeley/LBLProgramming Techniques to Harness Exaflopspresentation
Working group reportsZetta Apps outbrief
System Software outbrief
Architecture outbrief
Enabling Tech outbrief