The First Workshop on... Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies
CSRI Building
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
May 28-30, 2008
Organized by: JPL, Sandia, MITRE, Aerospace, UIUC, AFRL
Organizing Committee
Joseph Bannister, Aerospace | Ken Hunt, AFRL |
Larry Bergman, JPL | Ravi Iyer, UIUC |
Erik DeBenedictis, Sandia | Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, UIUC |
John DeMello, AFRL | Kwok Kee Ma, Sandia |
Robert Habbit, Sandia | Richard Stempien, MITRE |
Click here for the schedule.
We seek to make advances in microelectronics available for space computing systems, dramatically boosting the amount of computing capability available for future missions.
The traditional microprocessor has been joined recently by a host of special architectures with unique capabilities -- accompanied by advances in memory, storage, and interconnect.
Aside from the important task of radiation hardening, making all these advances available to the space computing environment will require a new strategy for making the hardware components compatible and programming them efficiently.
This workshop will gather professionals to inventory available rad hard devices and create a plan for making them into an interoperable suite suite of devices, programmable with state of the art software tools.
Click here for a more detailed exposition of the technical vision.
Radiation Hardening
- Rad hard 90 nm processes
- S&T for 45 nm processes
- Accelerating qualification of emerging computing options
- Domestic trusted foundry
- Inventorying efforts to reduce duplication
- Promoting interoperability
- Thermal management and power reduction technologies
- Fault behavior of emerging computing options
- Strategies for parallel, heterogeneous systems comprised of rad hardened and other commercial parts
- High performance interconnect fabric
- Developing a distributed system software architecture that can manage fault behavior, leading to standardization
- Applications software tools for heterogeneous computing
- Robust software development environment
- Productivity, maintainability and verification
ATTENDENCE AND REGISTRATION FEEAttendance is by gracious invitation only.
If you are in the industry and would like an invitation, please call Erik DeBenedictis (505) 284-4017 or e-mail
We are charging a $150 registration fee to all attendees. This fee has been set to cover the cost of food due principally to gifting regulations pertaining to government participants.
Register at the Sandia Webpay website at and selecting "Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing" as the event name.
FOREIGN NATIONALS AND EXPORT CONTROLForeign nationals will require a badge to enter DOE facilities. Foreign nationals should contact the conference sponsors immediately about a badge and should plan on stopping at the Sandia badge office about 1/2 mile away before first entering DOE premises.
The workshop is expected to include export controlled information, which may limit attendance.
ACCOMMODATIONSWhile we have not reserved a hotel block, there is list of hotels on the CSRI Web pages. In addition, the reception Tuesday night and the banquet Wednesday night will be at the Hotel Albuquerque in the Old Town area of Albuquerque. The hotel has a directions page.
DIRECTIONSOpen portions of the workshop will be held at Sandia's Computer Science Research Institute (CSRI) building on 1450 Innovation Parkway, Albuquerque, NM 87123 (map below). This facility is outside of Kirtland Air Force Base; visitors please do not try to enter Kirtland Air Force Base as you will probably not succeed and it will cause quite a delay. US Citizens may go directly to the CSRI building; foreign nationals will need to make arrangements for a badge and then go to the badge office.

Document date May 20, 2008.