This work presents recent advances in radiation hardening by design in the 32nm node for mixed
signal, system on chip design. Design challenges and system on chip approaches will be
discussed. Key mixed signal macro blocks and their radiation mitigation techniques are
covered. Test results for single event effects and total ionizing dose are presented.
Radiation-hardened-by-design (RHBD) has been demonstrated as an effective approach to
leverage advances in commercial integrated circuit fabrication to provide improved performance,
power, availability, and reliability for space applications. Recent work in RHBD at the 32nm
technology node has demonstrated continued success in using design methods to achieve high
levels of radiation hardness. New approaches to mixed-signal design to further benefit from the
design-based hardening have been developed.
This work presents the accomplishments in establishing a robust system-on-chip (SOC) design flow, providing libraries, memories, I/O, and methodologies to support RHBD. It summarizes the application of new rad-hard, mixed-signal circuit architectures providing significant improvements in power and performance. Total ionizing dose test results and single event test results, covering heavy ions, high energy protons, and low energy protons will be presented and error rate assessments will be provided.
Document date June 6, 2014.