Small Satellites to Flight Validate Spaceborne Computing Technologies
Dr. Charles D. Norton
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Small satellite experiments are growing rapidly as a low-cost, high availability, and quick turn-around platform to rapidly advance future spaceborne technologies. In this talk I will describe current and future activities where small satellites are being used to flight validate new high capability computing processors targeted for future Earth observing instruments where real-time and high data-rate processing are required to satisfy scientific objectives.

Charles D. Norton is a principal technologist and program area manager at NASA JPL/Caltech. He supports the Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) at NASA Headquarters also holds additional duty appointments at JPL in the Earth Science and Technology Directorate, Solar System Exploration Technology Program, and the Astronomy & Physics Directorate Space Technology Program. He has received a number of awards including the JPL Lew Allen Award and NASA Exceptional Service Medal, and is the Engineering and Science Directorate point-of-contact for Small Satellites at JPL.