Reflections on NASA's 2012 Fault Management Workshop
Lorraine Fesq

On April 10-12, 2012, NASA sponsored the Spacecraft Fault Management (FM) Workshop in New Orleans to bring together NASA's FM community to actively and collaboratively coalesce the discipline. Approximately 115 people attended the workshop in person, and more than 60 connected via WebCast, from NASA, DoD, industry and academia. FM is an engineering activity focused on the detection of faults and accommodation for off-nominal behavior of a system, and must be designed, developed, integrated, tested and operated. In recent years, a number of NASA missions have experienced cost overruns and schedule slips when testing FM detections and responses. The workshop drew an outstanding quantity and quality of participants from across NASA and key industry partners to reflect on progress made since the last workshop in 2008, to address near-term challenges, and to develop a long-term vision for the FM Discipline. This talk will describe the workshop activities and present a number of themes that emerged during presentations, breakout sessions and panel discussions.